My daughter Emma and I decided to plant some tulip bulbs together in November before winter set in. It started out as a fun project for us to do together as we gathered the different items we would need to start and complete the project. We soon learned it wasn't all easy and fun. After we started digging, we saw that there was all sorts of debris mixed in the soil that wasn’t visible before, so we had to clean that out before we planted all the bulbs. Emma asked me excitedly, “Daddy how long before they will grow?” I replied, “Next spring we will see the results of our work.”

Flowers don’t bloom as soon as they’re planted. They undergo a whole process of growth and development, which requires good soil and water and sunlight. It may be weeks or months before we start to see anything visible above ground. If I go and dig out the bulb too early before it has a chance to be properly cared for, I’ll ruin that careful process and run the risk of never seeing the flower bloom.

 We are living in a day and time where people want immediate gratification without going through the process of putting in the needed time and effort needed for lasting results. It’s easy to get frustrated and think we’ve failed when we don’t see the fruit of our work right away. But the Word of God says in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “One plants, one waters, but God was causing the growth.” Our work is important, but the end result is up to God!

 So like planting tulips, we need to sow the seed of the gospel at every opportunity that we can and be patient, praying and trusting in God. When we place our little planting in the Lord’s hands and trust His process, we will see beautiful results bloom in His perfect timing. 

Pastor Oommen P. Chacko
